Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hello Readers!

Greetings! My name is Mikhail Alinea. I am a 19 year old Filipino American who was born and raised in the Philippines and migrated here in America last year. Currently, I am finishing my pre requisites for my Associates Degree in Pre-Med at Everett Community College. Being raised in a very caring and conservative background, I value family relationships and education. I grew up with my grandparents and relatives who taught me the value of faith, humility, integrity, and love. My parents taught me the value of passion, education, and hard work to reach my goals. I’m quite artistic and see the bigger picture in things. Most of the time, I express myself through visual arts and writing. Because of my introverted behavior, I see things differently. I’m an observer, analyzer, and listener. As a student, I try to be well rounded, and I try to understand why things are the way they are. I do believe that all of the things I learned throughout my life will be helpful not just in academic and career aspect but life in general. Before making any decisions, I weigh in what’s the best option, and sees all alternatives. I see things outside the box, and I do believe that all people should live their lives to the fullest and experience all the things life has to offer.
            Before starting this course, I was quite anxious and scared because English is my second language. I struggled a lot when it comes to communicating and writing in English. I was quite overwhelmed because the English Language is one of the hardest languages to learn. It has so many grammatical rules that we have to follow, and it made it more complicated than ever. But upon taking this course, I am confident that I definitely improved with my grammar, although I still have to work on my thick Filipino accent when I try to speak it. I developed my skills when it comes to reading, writing, as well as thinking critically upon taking this course. When I read a book, I read it analytically, then holistically. When I write, I am more cautious about my sentence structures, punctuations, spellings, as well as organizing my thoughts and ideas. I also learned from the seminars about the value of synergy, and it made me step out of my comfort zone as a shy person who doesn’t want to talk.
            Also, one of the most helpful parts of this course is the Service Learning, in which we are obliged to engage into philanthropic activities of our choice, such as community work, neighborhood cleanup, food service, etc. I joined the Campus Kitchen Outreach, where we meet at campus during Saturdays and make packed lunches and hand them out to hungry and homeless people in downtown Everett. This experience opened my eyes to the hidden side of America, and the realities our society face up to now. It made me see things in a different way, and it made me appreciate what I have.
            As this quarter ends, I am happy to show you four of my best chosen pieces that I included in my E-Portfolio which I made throughout this class. These pieces demonstrate my growth as a writer and as a student who studies the English language. These four pieces also shows my uniqueness and skills when it comes to writing. The first piece I chose was our first Major Writing Assignment which is the Comparison/Contrast Essay, in which I compared two different personality types which are Introverts and Extroverts. The next piece I chose is the second Major Writing Assignment in which I gave the definition of Education in different points of views and integrating it with a novel. The next piece is my Assignment # 6 in which I gave out a summary and analogy of Samuel Clemens’ Two Ways of Viewing the River. The last piece I chose to complete my E-Portfolio is my Inventory of Being, in which I made a list of who I am, what I am, and what I believe in as a human being
            I enjoyed this quarter a lot, and English 98 is a very helpful course for someone like me who has English as a second language. I hope that you will find my chosen pieces to be informative and enjoyable as well.

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