Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hello Readers!
Greetings! My name is Mikhail Alinea. I am a 19 year old Filipino American who was born and raised in the Philippines and migrated here in America last year. Currently, I am finishing my pre requisites for my Associates Degree in Pre-Med at Everett Community College. Being raised in a very caring and conservative background, I value family relationships and education. I grew up with my grandparents and relatives who taught me the value of faith, humility, integrity, and love. My parents taught me the value of passion, education, and hard work to reach my goals. I’m quite artistic and see the bigger picture in things. Most of the time, I express myself through visual arts and writing. Because of my introverted behavior, I see things differently. I’m an observer, analyzer, and listener. As a student, I try to be well rounded, and I try to understand why things are the way they are. I do believe that all of the things I learned throughout my life will be helpful not just in academic and career aspect but life in general. Before making any decisions, I weigh in what’s the best option, and sees all alternatives. I see things outside the box, and I do believe that all people should live their lives to the fullest and experience all the things life has to offer.
Before starting this course, I was quite anxious and scared because English is my second language. I struggled a lot when it comes to communicating and writing in English. I was quite overwhelmed because the English Language is one of the hardest languages to learn. It has so many grammatical rules that we have to follow, and it made it more complicated than ever. But upon taking this course, I am confident that I definitely improved with my grammar, although I still have to work on my thick Filipino accent when I try to speak it. I developed my skills when it comes to reading, writing, as well as thinking critically upon taking this course. When I read a book, I read it analytically, then holistically. When I write, I am more cautious about my sentence structures, punctuations, spellings, as well as organizing my thoughts and ideas. I also learned from the seminars about the value of synergy, and it made me step out of my comfort zone as a shy person who doesn’t want to talk.
Also, one of the most helpful parts of this course is the Service Learning, in which we are obliged to engage into philanthropic activities of our choice, such as community work, neighborhood cleanup, food service, etc. I joined the Campus Kitchen Outreach, where we meet at campus during Saturdays and make packed lunches and hand them out to hungry and homeless people in downtown Everett. This experience opened my eyes to the hidden side of America, and the realities our society face up to now. It made me see things in a different way, and it made me appreciate what I have.
As this quarter ends, I am happy to show you four of my best chosen pieces that I included in my E-Portfolio which I made throughout this class. These pieces demonstrate my growth as a writer and as a student who studies the English language. These four pieces also shows my uniqueness and skills when it comes to writing. The first piece I chose was our first Major Writing Assignment which is the Comparison/Contrast Essay, in which I compared two different personality types which are Introverts and Extroverts. The next piece I chose is the second Major Writing Assignment in which I gave the definition of Education in different points of views and integrating it with a novel. The next piece is my Assignment # 6 in which I gave out a summary and analogy of Samuel Clemens’ Two Ways of Viewing the River. The last piece I chose to complete my E-Portfolio is my Inventory of Being, in which I made a list of who I am, what I am, and what I believe in as a human being
I enjoyed this quarter a lot, and English 98 is a very helpful course for someone like me who has English as a second language. I hope that you will find my chosen pieces to be informative and enjoyable as well.
My Major Writing Assignment
The piece I chose for “Major Writing Assignment” is my MWA # 1, which is a Comparison/Contrast Essay. I wrote this essay during the 4th week of class. The title of my essay is “An Introvert Living in an Extroverted World,” in which I gave contrasting and comparative information of two different personality types, and how each type acts and responds in our society. I picked this essay because it is definitely the most improved. Because this is our very first Major Writing Assignment for this class, and the fact that English is my second language, I struggled a lot while making this essay. The first draft was unorganized, unfocused, lacks support and citations, had stereotypical ideas, and many grammatical errors. And as I compare it to the final draft after revisions, I made only a few grammatical errors. This essay is quite strong because of its informative ideas and support, while comparing each subject and giving examples. In relation, on my second paragraph, I made a comparison between the two personality types in such a way that the readers will have a general idea of the topic. I mentioned that “In a world dominated by an outgoing and social crowd, an introvert is often labeled as “aloof,” “anti-social,” “reserved,” “snob,” “loner,” or “self-contained.” In an extroverted society, being outgoing and social is considered better, and more acceptable. Extroverts are praised as warm, friendly and likable while introverts usually get the short end of the stick because of their reserved and guarded disposition.”
Friday, March 12, 2010
"An Introvert living in an Extroverted World"
A boy sits aimlessly at the corner of the classroom by himself while reading a book. The teacher asked her students, “Why don’t you invite your fellow student over there by the corner to join you and your group for discussion?.” The student replied “Oh, that boy? We wanted to ask him, but he’s really silent. He’s an introvert, so he’s anti-social.”
In a world dominated by an outgoing and social crowd, an introvert is often labeled as “aloof,” “anti-social,” “reserved,” “snob,” “loner,” or “self-contained.” These unkind words suggest lack of character and smallness of personality. In an extroverted society, being outgoing and social is considered better, and more acceptable. Extroverts are praised as warm, friendly and likeable while introverts usually get the short end of the stick because of their reserved and guarded disposition.
It is very important to know that in relating to others, introverts are quiet and inhibited. In contrast to the misconceptions of most people, not all introverts are shy. Some only prefer less social activities. Introverts are energized by ideas, thoughts, and imagination inside their heads. They think before they speak, and prefer to be alone. They can concentrate well and prefer to work alone. Introverts are selective and prefer having a few close friends. They are often labeled as a “wallflower.” Extroverts on the other hand are expressive, sociable, and outgoing. They are assertive, and energized by being surrounded by people. They speak before they think, and prefer to be in the company of others. They have a lot of friends, and often labeled as “party animals,” “social butterflies” or “life of the party” (C. Caplinger. Myers-Briggs Introduction).
When it comes to information learning, introverts tend to do well academically. Introverts love to read, and they formulate their ideas clearly. Most are problem solvers, organizers, and analyzers. Introverts prefer solitary activities such as reading, writing, drawing, and using computers and most are frequently gifted in mathematics, science, music, and arts. Introverted behavior, although seen as less socially desirable, is often associated with intelligence and giftedness (Gallagher, S.A. (1990). Personality patterns of the gifted. Understanding our Gifted, 3, 11-3). On the other hand, extroverts tend to do well with things that involve human interactions. They are “risk-takers”, and that’s why they learn information from doing things themselves. Extroverts prefer activities that involve large gatherings such as parties, community activities, business, and politics. Their social skills are often praised and valued in society. Extroversion may be admired in the western society compared to introversion, but extroverted people are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior because of exposure and influence from their peers and their liberated lifestyle (Ryckman, R. Theories of Personality).
One study has shown that the minds of introverts are wired differently as compared to extroverts. Introverts have more blood flow on the frontal lobes of the brain and the frontal thalamus, which deals with internal processing such as planning and problem solving. Extroverts have more blood flow temporal lobes and the posterior thalamus, which involves sensory and emotional experiences (American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 252-257).
As for careers, most introverts are artists, writers, sculptors, composers, and inventors. Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Marie Curie, and Wolfgang Mozart are introverts. Careers that involve minimal human interaction such as engineering, psychology, visual arts, and the medical field are suitable for introverts. As for extroverts, because of their skills in socializing, they can operate basically in any career. They are good leaders. Their ability to handle different environments gives them an edge in professional relationships and business. Extroverts excel in careers that deal with interacting with people such as sales, business, managerial positions, marketing, entertainment, and politics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraversion_and_introversion). But it is important to know that these statements are merely a guide based on the behaviors of each personality type and is not completely accurate. Careers that are suitable for extroverts may be successfully achieved by introverts, and careers that suits introverts may be applicable to extroverts as well. Each individual has his or her own unique skills and abilities and has the capacity to succeed on any chosen career.
Introverts and Extroverts are very different from one another, yet each has its own role that needs to be played in society. Human minds are wired and connected differently, and those differences are what make each human being stand out from others. Each has his or her own perceptions towards the world they live in. It is important that one must avoid stereotyping and labeling because humans are complex and unique. Everyone should value and appreciate the diversity of the people around them, and all should be emphatic about those differences. People are not the same, and that’s what makes living in this world more interesting.
It is very important to know that in relating to others, introverts are quiet and inhibited. In contrast to the misconceptions of most people, not all introverts are shy. Some only prefer less social activities. Introverts are energized by ideas, thoughts, and imagination inside their heads. They think before they speak, and prefer to be alone. They can concentrate well and prefer to work alone. Introverts are selective and prefer having a few close friends. They are often labeled as a “wallflower.” Extroverts on the other hand are expressive, sociable, and outgoing. They are assertive, and energized by being surrounded by people. They speak before they think, and prefer to be in the company of others. They have a lot of friends, and often labeled as “party animals,” “social butterflies” or “life of the party” (C. Caplinger. Myers-Briggs Introduction).
When it comes to information learning, introverts tend to do well academically. Introverts love to read, and they formulate their ideas clearly. Most are problem solvers, organizers, and analyzers. Introverts prefer solitary activities such as reading, writing, drawing, and using computers and most are frequently gifted in mathematics, science, music, and arts. Introverted behavior, although seen as less socially desirable, is often associated with intelligence and giftedness (Gallagher, S.A. (1990). Personality patterns of the gifted. Understanding our Gifted, 3, 11-3). On the other hand, extroverts tend to do well with things that involve human interactions. They are “risk-takers”, and that’s why they learn information from doing things themselves. Extroverts prefer activities that involve large gatherings such as parties, community activities, business, and politics. Their social skills are often praised and valued in society. Extroversion may be admired in the western society compared to introversion, but extroverted people are more likely to engage in delinquent behavior because of exposure and influence from their peers and their liberated lifestyle (Ryckman, R. Theories of Personality).
One study has shown that the minds of introverts are wired differently as compared to extroverts. Introverts have more blood flow on the frontal lobes of the brain and the frontal thalamus, which deals with internal processing such as planning and problem solving. Extroverts have more blood flow temporal lobes and the posterior thalamus, which involves sensory and emotional experiences (American Journal of Psychiatry, 156, 252-257).
As for careers, most introverts are artists, writers, sculptors, composers, and inventors. Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Marie Curie, and Wolfgang Mozart are introverts. Careers that involve minimal human interaction such as engineering, psychology, visual arts, and the medical field are suitable for introverts. As for extroverts, because of their skills in socializing, they can operate basically in any career. They are good leaders. Their ability to handle different environments gives them an edge in professional relationships and business. Extroverts excel in careers that deal with interacting with people such as sales, business, managerial positions, marketing, entertainment, and politics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraversion_and_introversion). But it is important to know that these statements are merely a guide based on the behaviors of each personality type and is not completely accurate. Careers that are suitable for extroverts may be successfully achieved by introverts, and careers that suits introverts may be applicable to extroverts as well. Each individual has his or her own unique skills and abilities and has the capacity to succeed on any chosen career.
Introverts and Extroverts are very different from one another, yet each has its own role that needs to be played in society. Human minds are wired and connected differently, and those differences are what make each human being stand out from others. Each has his or her own perceptions towards the world they live in. It is important that one must avoid stereotyping and labeling because humans are complex and unique. Everyone should value and appreciate the diversity of the people around them, and all should be emphatic about those differences. People are not the same, and that’s what makes living in this world more interesting.
Effectivity in Sentences
The piece I chose for “Effective Sentences” is my Major Writing Assignment # 2, which is a definition essay, entitled “What is Education?” I made this essay during the sixth week of class. I picked this piece because I used a variety of sentence patterns to improve my grammar skills, organize my ideas, and enhance my sentence structures. This essay has good revision, strong focus towards the subject and good comparative ideas because I revised each error carefully, I organized the information, and I gave different perceptions of education from wealthy compared to poor countries. I also made a good integration of my essay with Greg Mortensons’ Three Cups of Tea which has the same idea to my essay.
"What is Education?"
Education is a simple word, yet it has a complex meaning. Depending on people’s perceptions, some may see it as “going to school,” “boring and long lectures,” or “scary teachers.” Education is perceived differently depending on the people, the culture, and the country. But what is the real meaning of education? Why is it so important? Why do people see it differently than the other?
Basically, education has a complex yet understandable concept. Education is a two way process, which involves “teaching” and “learning.” It involves individuals known as “students” who are learning something from a teacher who gives knowledge and wisdom to his or her students. That knowledge will have an effect on the mind, character, and behavior of those who are exposed to it. And also, upon gaining that knowledge, education is taught and passed on from one generation to another.
Education has a major role in shaping the minds of each generation all over the world. A person gains knowledge, wisdom, skills, and values upon gaining education. One that is well-educated is well-rounded, more aware of his or her surroundings and the world, and has the capability of earning income twice as much as those who are not. Opportunities are endless for those who are well-educated because a person who has a college degree is more likely to be hired by big companies, businesses, and corporations because of their skills, knowledge, and valuable experiences gained while at school. Degree holders are most likely to have a stable white collar job, which has more income compared to blue-collar jobs.
Perceptions on education are quite different depending on different areas and countries all over the world. In most wealthy and powerful nations such as the United States, education is seen as an option and just something that has to be done, and not considered a need. Most Americans perceive education as something that they have to do to get a job or something to do because of boredom. Because of this, the ranking of America when it comes to global competitiveness is deteriorating. According to Krista Kafer, the Senior Political Analyst of Education of the Heritage Foundation, the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, shows that only 31 percent of 4th graders are proficient in reading, while 32 percent are proficient in mathematics, 29 percent in science, and 18 percent in American history. Low-income students did half as well. In fact, over half of poor fourth graders failed to show even a basic level of knowledge in reading, science, or history (http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/wm478.cfm).
Basically, education has a complex yet understandable concept. Education is a two way process, which involves “teaching” and “learning.” It involves individuals known as “students” who are learning something from a teacher who gives knowledge and wisdom to his or her students. That knowledge will have an effect on the mind, character, and behavior of those who are exposed to it. And also, upon gaining that knowledge, education is taught and passed on from one generation to another.
Education has a major role in shaping the minds of each generation all over the world. A person gains knowledge, wisdom, skills, and values upon gaining education. One that is well-educated is well-rounded, more aware of his or her surroundings and the world, and has the capability of earning income twice as much as those who are not. Opportunities are endless for those who are well-educated because a person who has a college degree is more likely to be hired by big companies, businesses, and corporations because of their skills, knowledge, and valuable experiences gained while at school. Degree holders are most likely to have a stable white collar job, which has more income compared to blue-collar jobs.
Perceptions on education are quite different depending on different areas and countries all over the world. In most wealthy and powerful nations such as the United States, education is seen as an option and just something that has to be done, and not considered a need. Most Americans perceive education as something that they have to do to get a job or something to do because of boredom. Because of this, the ranking of America when it comes to global competitiveness is deteriorating. According to Krista Kafer, the Senior Political Analyst of Education of the Heritage Foundation, the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, shows that only 31 percent of 4th graders are proficient in reading, while 32 percent are proficient in mathematics, 29 percent in science, and 18 percent in American history. Low-income students did half as well. In fact, over half of poor fourth graders failed to show even a basic level of knowledge in reading, science, or history (http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/wm478.cfm).
On the other hand, according to ABC news, developing countries such as China and India tend to do well in education despite being known for its poverty. Students from the poorest parts of the world see education as a savior from poverty. Education can move mountains, and many desire to have it but cannot because of lack of funding from the government and poverty. “Can you imagine a fourth grade class in America, alone, without a teacher, sitting there quietly and working on their lessons?” asked Greg Mortenson, in his bestselling novel Three Cups of Tea. He is a well known American philanthropist and mountaineer. Upon seeing the educational situation of children up in the village of Korphe in Karakoram Range, Pakistan, during his failed attempt to climb the summit of K-2, he dedicated his life to serve those who live there. He admired the children of Korphe for their desire to learn, so he built schools all over northern Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Also, on rural areas, for example, in the remotest part of the Philippines, students see education as the key to reaching their dreams and an escape to their current situation. Students there are willing to walk for four to six hours just to go to the nearest school. They cross mountains, rivers, and vast fields. Most of the time, children over there walk barefoot because they have no money to afford buying shoes or slippers. Somehow, people from the poorest and remotest areas all over the world value education very much and sees it as a treasure, while at rich wealthy countries and urban areas, education is mostly taken for granted. Because education is quite abundant and common to these places, it’s not considered special. It is merely something that an individual has to do to get a diploma and move on to the next educational level.
From the words of American educator Derek Bok, “People say education is expensive, try being ignorant.” One must see the importance of education in the society, and the role it portrays in helping shape the nation for the future. It is very disappointing that many people from wealthy and abundant nations will take good quality education for granted. An average person will take two decades of school in a lifetime. If one does not take education seriously, the effect is five decades of ignorance and mediocrity, and that’s all a person will ever be. It’s not worth it. If only the youth nowadays knew the negative impact neglect will cause in their lives, probably not a single child will ever take good education for granted.
The concept of education is quite different depending on how one sees it. But the important idea is that one must value the blessing of having a good quality of education because it plays an important role in shaping the future of each individual, and the minds of future generations that will inhabit the world we live in.
How do you see it?
The piece I chose for “Critical Analysis” is Assignment # 6, which is to make a summary of Samuel Clemens’ Two Ways if Viewing the River. I wrote this during the second week of our class. I picked this piece because it enhanced my analytical skills by means of summarizing. It involved reading, and analysis of each sentence for it to be understood. The strength of this piece is it has good analytical content, and there’s also an improvement when it comes to summarizing. I compared two different perspectives of the author, and I wrote it in my own words. An example is, “Clemens emphasized the difference in seeing things in a different perspective. It’s about seeing something as magical, in comparison to seeing it in a scientific point of view.”
Two Ways of Viewing the River
Samuel Clemens wrote in his Autobiographical book Life on the Mississippi (1883), a section entitled Two Ways of Viewing the River, in which Clemens relates his experience working as a Riverboat Pilot.
Clemens emphasized the difference of seeing things in a different perspective. It is about seeing something as magical, in comparison to seeing it in a scientific and informative point of view. Clemens stated that when he “had mastered the language of the water and had come to know every single detail in his surroundings like knowing the letters of the alphabet”, he gained knowledge about how things are done, but, he lost something which could never be restored. He lost the appreciation and amazement that he felt when he saw the river for the first time. The sparkle and beauty of the scenery is no longer magical and doesn’t give much amazement to him anymore.
The author shows the difference of how people see things, and how it changes. At first, people admire the beauty and simplicity of the things around them. But after being exposed to those things for countless times, people’s appreciation for those things deteriorates, the innocence gone, and somehow sees it in an informative and logical manner.
Nothing is what it seems...
The piece I picked out for “Writer’s Choice” is my “Inventory of Being.” I wrote this during our class’ first discussion board last January. Our assignment was to basically make a list of who we are, what we are, and what we believe in. I picked this because I strongly believe that my E-Portfolio will not be complete without it. I had fun making this piece because it made me reflect on who I am, who I want to be, what I believe in, and at the same time, it challenged my creativity with words. I was able to improve my skills when it comes to my creativity as a writer while trying to introduce myself to others. One example of this is on the first few lines of my Inventory of Being, I wrote “I am Mikhail Alinea. I am 19 years old, yet somehow people often have mistaken me as a 15 year old. I am an ordinary individual yet not like anyone else.”
"My Inventory of Being"
I am Mikhail Alinea
I am 19 years old, yet somehow people often have mistaken me as a 15 year old.
I am an ordinary individual yet not like anyone else.
I am a good son, a good friend, and a good person.
I am 5'8", have Brown eyes, Black hair, and Brown skin, a typical Filipino Boy.
I am a being who suffers from Social anxiety and Inferiority Complex.
I am labeled as a Loner, and I'm Highly Introverted.
I am unpopular, and a Weirdo.
I see things… and I understand…
I see the world differently.
I have OCPD, and I'm fragile as a piece of glass.
I love to talk to myself. For some reason, it's therapeutic.
I am a loving and caring son.
I have the highest respect for my parents, and to the elders.
I like dipping my fries to a Vanilla Sundae with Chocolate Syrup.
I like sitting in a bench and just watch and observe people around me. By this way, I learn from them.
I smile and laugh for no apparent reason, It's even more interesting when I do it in a Public Place.
I love and appreciate music, from Hip Hop to Alternative Rock, to Mellow Love Songs and Classical Music.
I find it very amusing when I can see my breath vaporizing into thin air when it’s cold.
I love to Daydream, and I sing in the shower.
I love watching the sunrise and sunsets.
I love playing with Legos, and Uno Stacko. I make buildings and robots with them.
I make cities, and I pretend like I’m a giant and I would destroy it.
I love cover my palm with glue, let it dry, then I peel it off
I love stepping on crunchy leaves, and when it’s not crunchy, I get very upset.
I love putting my face close to a fan and speak to hear my robot voice.
I hope to find Happiness and the reason for my Existence.
I hope for the better. I respect myself.
I believe we create our own destiny, and we should not blame others and our situation for our failures.
I believe that we hold our own happiness, and it should not come from others.
I believe that all humans have gifts and talents that are still undiscovered.
I believe that we should not live our lives in based on Dichotomies; we can live to have it both ways.
I know there's a reason for everything.
I know that Love is still the most powerful thing in the world.
I don't understand people who complain that they have no money, yet they keep on purchasing expensive and useless things.
I don't understand people who have made several mistakes over and over, yet they never learn.
I don't understand why people make fun of other people's imperfections and insecurities. It is stupid, and shallow.
I admire Jesus Christ for his Altruism, Albert Einstein for his Philosophical thoughts, and the Elders for their wisdom.
I hate Messy Rooms, Desks, and unorganized Things.
I hate people who perform PDA.
I hate Ignorant, and Narrow-Minded People.
I hate it when people squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle.
I hate it when my friends and family are too busy to spend time with me.
I spend too much money on food and books.
If I were rich, I will travel the world, pay all our debt, give several their share, make my family's dreams come true, and use it for good reasons.
I wish to find myself, and to be what I want to be.
I wish Immorality and Mediocrity were to be erased in this planet.
I wish to be more confident, and to love myself for who I am.
I have a Passion for Change, yet I seldom have the Willpower to do it.
I want to make new friends, yet I still can't get over my social anxiety.
I may be different… but I am me.
My Farewell
The spring quarter is about to be finished, and those ten weeks just flew by. This course has been a very enjoyable journey and sadly it must come to an end, but the memories and the things I've learned throughout this course will never be forgotten. My classmates are all unique. We all came from different walks of life, and we learned from one another. My professor is an amazing person, and I will never forget all the lessons that she taught me. Not just lessons at class, but the lessons in life as well. Thank you so much for everything. Until next time... :)
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